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Salisbury University cultivates and sustains a superior learning community where students, faculty, and staff engage one another as teachers, scholars, and learners, and where a commitment to excellence and an openness to a broad array of ideas and perspectives are central to all aspects of University life. Our learning community is student-centered; thus, students and faculty interact in small classroom settings, faculty serve as academic advisors, and virtually every student has an opportunity to undertake research with a faculty mentor. We foster an environment where individuals make choices that lead to a more successful development of social, physical, occupational, emotional, and intellectual well being. ACCOUNTABILITY GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND PERFORMANCE MEASURES Overview The 2010-11 academic year for Salisbury University (SU) has been a year of progress for the institution. Freshmen applications increased 3% last year, while enrollment of first-time students (1,250) was kept comparable to 2009 figures. With this came a more diverse first-time freshmen cohort than the previous year, including a larger percentage of minority first-time students: 23% in fall 2010 compared to 18% in fall 2009. Last year, the University attracted more applicants and enrolled a class with higher academic credentials than in previous years. Despite the financial hardship being experienced nationwide, the University has made significant progress toward accomplishing many of the goals outlined in this report and in the Universitys 2009-13 Strategic Plan. For instance, this has been a year in which SU has garnered much national recognition of its reputation as an exceptional comprehensive university. U.S. News & World Report again selected SU as one of Americas Best Colleges for 2011. For the 15th consecutive year, SU was ranked a top 10 regional public university in the North. Additionally, for the 10th consecutive year, SU was ranked as a best regional university among both public and private institutions in the North. For the 13th consecutive year, SU was designated by The Princeton Review as one of the nations best institutions in The Best 376 Colleges in America (2012 Edition) and one of The 220 Best Northeastern Colleges, 2012. For the 2nd consecutive year, The Princeton Review also selected SU as one of the Top 50 Best Value Public Colleges in the nation for 2010. Kiplingers Personal Finance magazine named SU as one of the Top 100 Best Values in Public Colleges in its 2011 edition. The Princeton Review in partnership with the U.S. Green Building Council, named SU as one of the top 286 Green Colleges for 2010. For the 2nd consecutive year, The Chronicle of Higher Education named SU one of the Great Colleges to Work For. SUs 2009-2013 Strategic Plan included goals that complement the key goals and objectives identified in the Managing for Results (MFR) document and the five goals for postsecondary education identified in the 2009 Maryland State Plan for Postsecondary Education (MSP). The MSP includes goals for quality and effectiveness, access and affordability, diversity, a student-centered learning system, and economic growth and vitality. In addition to MFR-specific data, there are a number of additional indicators and qualitative efforts that are related to SUs progress towards the key goals and objectives identified at the end of this report. To determine how effectively SU is progressing towards meeting the 2011 MFR key goals and objectives, data relevant to each objective will be described in subsequent sections of this report. INSTITUTIONAL ASSESSMENT Quality & Effectiveness MSP Goal: Maintain and strengthen a system of postsecondary education institutions recognized nationally for academic excellence and effectiveness in fulfilling the educational needs of students and the economic and societal development needs of the state and the nation. MFR Objectives: 1.1-1.4, 4.1-4.6; Additional Indicators 1, 2, 7 SUs commitment to provide an exceptional contemporary liberal arts education and academic and professional programs that are aligned with an increasingly competitive, global, and knowledge-based economy is a major goal in the Universitys strategic plan. For the MFR, quality and effectiveness are evaluated using retention and graduation rates. However, the excellence of SUs undergraduate and graduate programs is also evidenced by the attainment and maintenance of accreditation by nationally recognized accrediting agencies. Once students graduate, the quality of the University can be demonstrated by the high percentage of nursing and education students that go on to pass national certification exams. Retention and Graduation At 84.6%, the second-year retention rate for the 2009 entering cohort of freshmen (Objective 4.1) increased from the previous cohort (83.3%). The 2009 cohort included students that started at SU in fall 2009 and returned to SU or transferred to another Maryland school for the fall 2010 semester. SUs second-year retention rate is the second highest of the comprehensive System schools, lower than only Towson University. It appears that the expansion of supplemental instruction, freshmen seminars, and living learning communities to include more students was successful in improving retention rates. Objectives 4.2 and 4.3 provide additional information regarding second-year retention with a special focus on African-American and all minority students. Second-year retention rates for African-American students increased .7 percentage points this year. Approximately 83.3% of African-American students were retained into their second year. The rate for African-American students has increased 4.2 percentage points since 2009. Results also revealed an increase in second-year retention rates for all minority students at SU. Second-year retention rates for minority students increased by 2.4 percentage points this year to a rate of 84%. Minority second-year retention rates have increased 3.5 percentage points over the past two years. Currently, SUs overall six-year graduation rate is 76.7% (Objective 4.4). This represents a 4.3 percentage point increase from last years rate. SUs average six-year graduation rate is the highest among the USM comprehensive institutions. Progress towards our graduation goals for African-American (Objective 4.5) and minority (Objective 4.6) students was mixed. Compared to 2010 rates, the University experienced a decrease in six-year graduation rates for African-American students to a rate of 60%. In fact, this decline in African-American student graduation rates was a trend at all but two USM schools this year. It should be noted that prior to fall 2006, the size of the first-time African-American student cohorts at SU posed a limitation in yielding consistent graduation rates. For instance, at only 75 students, graduating four fewer students from the 2004 cohort would reduce the rate by more than five percentage points. Despite this rate decline, SU maintains the second highest six-year graduation rate for African-American students among the USM comprehensives. It is believed that the minority achievement initiatives instituted during the three previous academic years will positively influence future African-American student graduation rates. Despite declines for the African-American cohort, the six-year graduation rate for minority students at SU showed its fourth consecutive increase. At 68%, six-year graduation rate for this group is the second highest among the USM comprehensive institutions. Accreditations An additional indicator of the quality and effectiveness of SU is its ability to obtain and maintain national accreditations. Several academic programs are accredited: Salisbury University is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE); Teacher Education programs- accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and MD Education Department; Social Work program-accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE); Music program-accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM); Franklin P. Perdue School of Business-is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB); Exercise Science- accredited with the Committee on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP); Clinical Laboratory Sciences/Medical Technology- accredited with the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS); Nursing programs-accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE); Programs in the Department of Chemistry- certified by the American Chemical Society Committee on Professional Training (ACS-CPT); Athletic Training-accredited through the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE); and Respiratory Therapy program-accredited by the Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) through CAAHEP. Licensure Additionally, Objectives 1.1 and 1.2 were established as performance goals to help determine the effectiveness of the nursing and teacher education programs at SU. Effectiveness for these goals is measured by examining the pass rates for the nursing licensure exam (NCLEX) and the teacher licensure exam (PRAXIS). At 92%, SU remains above the average Maryland NCLEX pass rate (86%) for BSN programs (Objective 1.1). After four consecutive years of increases, the pass rate on the NCLEX decreased slightly this year. Decreases aligning us closer with the average pass rate are not uncommon given that SU has been well above the average Maryland pass rate for many years. Additionally, given the small number of graduates being tested, 64 this year, three additional failures will result in a rate decrease of five percentage points. The Nursing department continues its concentrated efforts (e.g., reform of the Nursing curriculum, tutoring, NCLEX review course, etc.) initiated to increase its pass rates. At 98%, the pass rate for the PRAXIS improved two percentage points from the rate attained during the previous year (Objective 1.2). During the 2008-09 academic year, the Professional Education unit implemented a new graduation requirement for students seeking their degree in a Professional Education area. Beginning with students graduating from the Professional Education program in spring 2010 and after, students must pass the PRAXIS II in order to graduate with recommendation for certification. This change will result in a pass rate of 100% for the 2012 reporting cycle. Accessibility and Affordability MSP Goal: Achieve a system of postsecondary education that promotes accessibility and affordability for all Marylanders. MFR Objectives: 3.3 SU continues to focus its enrollment growth on both highly qualified, motivated first-time freshmen and transfer students. For fall 2010, applications to SU were up 3% from 2009; approximately 7,739 applications were received for 1,250 freshmen seats. With an average 3-part composite SAT score of 1,700, and an average high school GPA of 3.65, the academic background of new freshmen admitted in fall 2010 surpassed that of the 2009 cohort of first-time freshmen. SU was able to respond to MHECs access goals by increasing undergraduate enrollment by 149 students while improving the academic rigor of it first-time freshmen class. Overall, SU had 1,823 more undergraduates, a 31% increase over 10 years ago. In addition to increasing undergraduate enrollment, SU has focused on expanding accessibility by offering several of its renowned programs at other Maryland higher education campuses. By having remote locations at USG, USMH, Cecil College, and ESHEC, the University provides programs to students who might not otherwise be able to attend classes on SUs main campus. These successful partnerships will assist the state in meeting its demand to train highly qualified teachers, social workers, business professionals, and healthcare professionals and grant students access to programs that may previously have been unavailable in those regions. While continuing to increase accessibility, SU has managed to retain its ranking as one of the Top 100 Best Values in Public Colleges by Kiplingers Personal Finance magazine in its 2011 edition. SU had affordability rankings of 60th for in-state students and 48th for out-of-state students. Additionally, The Princeton Review named SU as one of the top 50 Best Value Public Colleges in the nation in 2010. These honors reflect both the affordability (e.g., tuition, fees, need-based and non-need-based aid and grants, etc.) and quality (e.g., academic rigor of the freshman class, admission, retention, and graduation rates, etc.) of the University. In fall 2010, SU was also able to enroll a larger percentage of economically disadvantaged students totaling 46.6% (Objective 3.3). This represents a 5.4 percentage point increase when compared to the previous year. SU has developed a reputation for providing a great quality education at a great price. Last year, data presented by The Delta Project, a third-party higher education productivity and accountability organization, demonstrated that spending per degree has decreased at SU while increasing elsewhere. The Department of Legislative Services (DLS) highlighted this in their Higher Education Fiscal 2012 Budget Overview. DLS also noted that SU had one of the States highest six-year graduation rates, while spending the least per full-time equivalent student (FTES). The quality and value of an SU education are certainly commendable and supported by the data presented throughout this report. Diversity MSP Goal: Ensure equal opportunity for Marylands diverse citizenry. MFR Objectives: 3.1 & 3.2 Given the changing demographics of the state of Maryland, it is imperative that the institution create an infrastructure to provide access and support to a more diverse population of students. The University has increasingly emphasized its diversity initiatives and demographicsboth of which are readily affirmed in the Universitys trends and benchmarks. Fall 2010 marked the most ethnically diverse student population in SUs history (Objectives 3.1 and 3.2). During fall 2010, SU increased its enrollment of minority undergraduate students for the fifth consecutive year. African-American students now make up more than 11% of SUs undergraduate students (Objective 3.1). The slight decrease in this percentage over last years figures, .5 percentage points, is the result of a change in how race and ethnicity are now reported. Based on new federal regulations, students may now indicate if they are multi-race or of Hispanic ethnicity. These race and ethnicity category changes make it challenging to compare this years data to that collected using the old categories. However, it is likely that African-American students are now being counted in other minority race categories. This year, 19.5% of SUs undergraduate enrollment is composed of minority students, a 1.6 percentage point increase over the previous year (Objective 3.2). Over a 10 year period, SU has more than doubled the enrolled number of African-American undergraduate students (from 416 in fall 2000 to 870 in fall 2010) and minority students (from 590 in fall 2000 to 1,497 in fall 2010). Our number of Hispanic undergraduate students has more than quadrupled (from 60 in fall 2000 to 284 in fall 2010). This can be compared to an increase in overall institutional enrollment of about 31% since 2000. This demonstrates the Universitys commitment to a diverse student body. A Student-Centered Learning System MSP Goals: Achieve a system of postsecondary education that promotes student-centered learning to meet the needs of all Marylanders. MFR Objectives 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2 SU states in its mission that our highest purpose is to empower our students with the knowledge, skills, and core values that contribute to active citizenship, gainful employment, and lifelong learning in a democratic society and interdependent world. This includes alumni satisfaction with the education and preparation they received; as well as, student success indicators such as employment rates and pass rates on professional licensure and certification exams (discussed in an earlier section). Data are collected on a triennial basis using an alumni survey to address Objectives 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, and 2.2. As such, the most recent survey is based on students that graduated in August/December 2009 and January/May 2010. It should be noted that the response rate for the alumni survey was 10%. As such, the opinions and employment information for most of our alums were not captured on this survey. Results revealed that 100% and 95% of SU graduates are satisfied with their level of preparation for graduate school (Objective 1.3) and employment (Objective 1.4), respectively. The 2011 data showed that 87% of those responding to an alumni survey were employed one year after graduation (Objective 2.2), with 75% employed in the state of Maryland (Objective 2.1). Given the current state of the economy, it is a testament to the quality of our graduates that so many of our recent graduates found employment. Economic Growth and Vitality MSP Goals: Promote economic growth and vitality through the advancement of research and the development of a highly qualified workforce. MFR Objectives 2.3-2.5; Additional Indicators 1-7 Much like the MSP goals, SU also maintains its own strategic plan goals to support economic growth by building the resourceshuman, financial, physical, and externalthat support student academic and engagement needs. In achieving its mission, SU gauges its success using a variety of performance measures. These measures include providing academic programs and graduates in high-demand fields that meet state workforce needs. BRAC With the Defense Base Closure and Realignment (BRAC) process, there has been a unique opportunity for SU to join with Cecil College to offer programming to meet the needs of newly migrated personnel to Aberdeen Proving Ground and Fort Meade. Beginning in spring 2012, SU will meet the workforce needs of the region by offering its bachelors degree in management with a concentration in purchasing, procurement, and government contracts management. By having an educational site already located at Cecil College, SU was able to respond quickly to the needs of Aberdeen Proving Grounds and offer this program on the Cecil College campus to allow for greater access to those most in need of the training. Nursing Data for this year indicates that applications and enrollment into the program have increased. The number of undergraduate nursing majors enrolled in fall 2010 increased more than 9% this year, while graduate nursing majors increased 37%. However, the number of nursing baccalaureate and graduate degree recipients decreased slightly this year to a total of 74 (Objective 2.5). This decrease is due to an unusually high attrition rate for nursing students during the previous year. SUs Nursing Department was recently selected to receive a grant for the third consecutive year from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Career in Nursing Scholarship Program.This grant is critical to SUs science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) efforts, as it awards each of eight students entering the accelerated nursing program this year with a $10,000 scholarship. The University anticipates that this will help us attract, retain, and graduate high quality nursing candidates. Teacher Education The overall number of teacher education enrollments has increased by 85 students during the current year to a total of 1,424. This represents a 22% increase over enrollments since fall 2007. The number of teacher education graduates from SU (Objective 2.3) increased this year from 264 to 276. With the growth in our undergraduate programs in recent years, it is hoped that the number of graduates will continue to increase in the future. STEM Since 2007, SU has increased the number of students enrolled in STEM programs by 17%, to a total of 1,176 in 2011. The current data for 2011 indicates that SU had 214 STEM graduates (Objective 2.4), an increase of 6 graduates from the previous year. The University has increased STEM graduates by 10% since 2007. RESPONSES TO THE QUESTIONS/ISSUES RAISED BY THE COMMISSION For the 2010 MFR reporting cycle, the commission had the following comments: Objective 4.1 -The second-year retention rates of SU first-time, full-time freshmen will increase from 85.6% in 2009 to 86.1% in 2014. The second-year retention rate decreased from 85.6% in 2009 to 83.3% in 2010, at a time when retention rates increased across the state. In the 2010 PAR, the University identified several initiatives designed to improve retention rates. Discuss the progress of these initiatives and their success to date in improving this performance measure. Salisbury University Response: Based on initial positive results, SU has expanded many of the retention initiatives that were first piloted in fall 2009. It is believed that these initiatives will lead to increases in student retention. In fact, the early positive effects are evidenced by the 1.3 percentage point increase in student retention reported in this years MFR/PAR. The preliminary results for these initiatives are included here: Supplemental Instruction (SI) course offerings continue to expand. The expansion is based on two years of positive results. During the 2009-10 pilot, students who attended five or more SI sessions had significantly higher first-year grades than students who attended fewer than five SI sessions (3.3 vs. 2.7). Additionally, SI students who attended five or more sessions had higher second-year retention rates than those who attended fewer than five sessions (83% vs. 79%). With an expansion of the program to 17 sections during the 2010-11 academic year, it was hoped that improvement in student success would continue. The 2010-11 SI students performed markedly better than students that did not attend SI sessions. The failure rate for SI attendees was 9% compared to 30% for those that did not attend at least five SI sessions. Additionally, SI attendees had higher grades compared to non-attendees (3.1 vs. 2.9). Based on these positive results, 30 SI course sections will be offered during 2011-12. Early evidence indicates that students who enrolled in recommended math courses based on ALEKS placement scores outperformed students who took courses without recommendations. Additionally, the achievement gap between minority and majority students in some of these math courses closed markedly when course recommendations were followed. Placement test results will continue to be used for incoming freshmen course recommendations. Based on positive data from fall 2009, the living learning communities (LLC) program has been expanded. Students enrolled in LLCs earned higher first-year grades (2.87 vs. 2.83) and were retained at a greater rate (83% vs. 81%) then those that were not in an LLC during their first year at SU. Last year, student participation in the Powerful Connections program increased by 9%, enrolling a total of 50 first-year students. The Powerful Connections program continues to provide support through mentoring and academic and social support services to students from historically under-represented backgrounds (e.g, African-American and Hispanic). As another remediation effort, all first-time, first-year students with a D or F are contacted by the Center for Student Achievement (CSA) to offer academic support, advising and/or tutorial assistance. Students that sought assistance from the CSA following their poor mid-semester performance were tracked to determine if their semester performance (i.e., grades) and retention were similar to those with failing mid-semester grades that did not seek remediation from the CSA. Students that used the CSA for support had significantly higher grades at the end of their first semester (2.49) and at the end of their first year (2.55) than those that had a D or F at mid-semester and did not utilize CSA services (2.00, 2.23, respectively). Students that frequented the CSA following poor mid-semester performance were retained into their second year at significantly higher rates (85%) than students that did not seek assistance at the CSA (68%). Based on these positive results, the CSA has expanded the number of tutors and has opened remote sites in two campus buildings in fall 2011. Objective 2.4 The number of graduates in STEM-related fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) will increase from 224 in 2009 to 250 in 2014. The University identified factors that contributed to the decline in graduates in 2010, and mentioned plans for initiatives to increase the number of graduates in STEM fields. Describe specific initiatives that have been identified and discuss their progress to date. Salisbury University Response: To increase the number of SU graduates in STEM fields, the University has implemented several initiatives. In fall 2009, the Henson School of Science and Technology started a STEM living learning community. In the living learning community, first-year science and math majors live together and participate in two required courses. Additionally, they bond in various co-curricular activities to enhance their learning and engagement. Finally, in spring 2010, SU received a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant for almost $1 million to support the recruitment and retention of students in STEM programs. A number of additional STEM initiatives are being developed using these resources. This year, STEM graduates and enrollments increased. The current data for 2011 indicates that SU had 214 STEM graduates, an increase of 6 graduates from the previous year. Additionally, a 7% increase in STEM enrollment will translate to even greater increases in graduates in future years. COST CONTAINMENT In FY 2011, Salisbury University projects more than $1.8 million dollars will be available as a result of efficiency efforts. The following is a brief description of each effort and the cost savings/avoidance associated with each. Efficiency Efforts: PERMANENT REDUCTIONS Collaboration with an Academic Institution ($139,000) Salisbury University continues its extensive collaboration with the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. The two universities participate in two dual degree programs, sponsor a joint graduate degree, the Master of Arts in Teaching, and employ several faculty and staff members as joint employees of both institutions. It is estimated that $139,000 in salary/benefit costs is saved annually. Business Process Reengineering ($269,000) From continuing our reliance on an overall preventive maintenance program, to expanding use of both the one-card and pro-card and including the use of the Sallie Mae Tuition pay program, the University has been able to significantly reduce operating costs while enhancing its ability to serve its customers. Energy Conservation Program ($448,000) To supplement the recent energy performance contract initiated with PEPCO Inc, the University has implemented geothermal heating and cooling in most of its residence hall renovations. In addition the University is receiving rebates from its utility providers based on replacing older equipment with newer energy efficient models. Technology Initiative ($71,000) The use of e-mail as a principle source of written communication, web-time keeping in lieu if printed timesheets, and imaging in lieu of maintaining paper files are all examples of Salisbury Universitys use of technology to reduce operating costs and increase operational efficiency. Additionally, the University now uses the on-line capabilities of the Central Payroll Bureau and paper copies of employees checks and paystubs are no longer printed. E&E Workgroup focus ($165,000) The University has partnered with other system institutions in the procurement of electricity and natural gas. This bulk buying power has allowed the University better rates for greater periods of time. Partnership with External Entities ($20,000) The University is now utilizing the services of the Terrapin trader for surplus equipment disposal. This not only reduces our disposal cost of items, but also can provide slight cost recovery on old equipment. TEMPORARY REDUCTIONS Redefinition of Work ($730,000) The University employs part-time faculty, staff, and students to meet its employment demands. The reliance on these positions was increased due to the hiring freeze on permanent positions. If these positions were covered by full-time benefited employees, the additional cost to the University would be substantial.  Total of cost containment efforts $1,842,000 SUMMARY The 2010-11 academic year was an exciting one filled with growth in key areas to meet state workforce demands. The growing need for nurses, teachers and STEM experts was met by an increasing number of enrollments in these majors at SU. Concurrently, SU has been able to maintain and improve its reputation and national rankings. The University continues its progress towards meeting its quality, affordability, access, diversity, education, and economic impact initiatives. In 2010-11, SU made positive strides towards many of its Key Goals and Objectives. KEY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Goal 1. Provide a quality undergraduate and graduate academic and learning environment that promotes intellectual growth and success. Objective 1.1 Maintain the percentage of nursing graduates who pass on the first attempt the nursing licensure exam at the 2009 rate of 95%. Performance Measures2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedQualityNursing (NCLEX) exam pass rate90%95%96%92%95%96% Objective 1.2 Increase the percentage of teacher education graduates who pass the teacher licensure exam from 95% in 2009 to 100% in 2014. Performance Measures2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedQualityTeaching (PRAXIS II) pass rate194%97%96%98%100%100% Objective 1.3 Through 2014, the percentage of SU graduates who are satisfied with their level of preparation for graduate or professional school will be no less than 98%. Performance Measures2000 Survey Actual2002 Survey Actual2005 Survey Actual2008 Survey Actual2011 Actual2014 EstimatedQualitySatisfaction w/preparation for graduate school298%98% 99%100% 100%100% Objective 1.4 Through 2014, the percentage of SU graduates who are satisfied with their level of preparation for employment will be no less than the 98%. Performance Measures2000 Survey Actual2002 Survey Actual2005 Survey Actual2008 Survey Actual2011 Actual2014 EstimatedQualitySatisfaction w/preparation for employment293%92%97%99% 95%98% Goal 2. Utilize strategic collaborations and targeted community outreach to benefit the University, Maryland, and the region. Objective 2.1 The estimated percentage of graduates employed in Maryland will increase from 70.5% in 2008 to 70.8% in 2014. Performance Measures2000 Survey Actual2002 Survey Actual2005 Survey Actual2008 Survey Actual2011 Survey Actual2014 Survey EstimatedOutcomePercent of Bachelors degree recipients employed in MD2.60.3%64.6%70.7%70.5%75.2%75.4% Objective 2.2 Through 2014, the percentage of graduates employed one-year after graduation will be no less than the 95% achieved in 2008. Performance Measures2000 Survey Actual2002 Survey Actual2005 Survey Actual2008 Survey Actual2011 Survey Actual2014 Survey EstimatedOutcomePercent employed one-year after graduation294%96%96%95% 87%95% Objective 2.3 The number of Teacher Education graduates will increase from 277 in FY 2009 to 286 in 2014. Performance Measures2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedInputThe number of Teacher education enrollments3117011651339 142414501574OutputThe number of Teacher education graduates 296277264276303333 Objective 2.4 The number of graduates in STEM-related fields will increase from 225 in 2009 to 250 in 2014. Performance Measures2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedInputNumber of enrollment in STEM programs3100510261103 11761304 1321OutputNumber of graduates of STEM programs195225208214244251 Objective 2.5 The number of Nursing degree recipients will increase from 84 in 2009 to 100 in 2014. 2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedPerformance Measures InputNumber of undergraduate nursing majors3 418 453 488 533 525  525OutputNumber of baccalaureate degree recipients in nursing687683708688 InputNumber of graduate nursing majors32120273749 59 OutputNumber of graduate degree recipients in nursing28441610 OutputTotal number of Nursing degree recipients 7084877410298 Goal 3. The University will foster inclusiveness as well as cultural and intellectual pluralism. Objective 3.1 Increase the percentage of African-American undergraduates from 11.7% in 2009 to 12.5% in 2014. Performance Measures2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedInputPercentage of African-American undergraduates411.5%11.7%11.9% 11.4%11.8% 12.1% Objective 3.2 Increase the percentage of minority undergraduates from 17.6% in 2009 to 21% in 2014. Performance Measures2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedInputPercentage of minority undergraduates417.4%17.6%17.9% 19.5%20.0% 21.0% Objective 3.3 Increase the percentage of economically disadvantaged students attending SU from 42.7% in 2009 to 43.5% in 2014. Performance Measures2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedInputPercentage of economically disadvantaged students attending SU341.5%42.7%41.2% 46.6%46.7% 46.8% Goal 4. Improve retention and graduation rates while advancing a student-centered environment. Objective 4.1 The second-year retention rates of SU first-time, full-time freshmen will increase from 85.6% in 2009 to 86.1% in 2014. Performance Measures2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedOutput2nd year first-time, full-time retention rate: all students583.6%85.6%83.3% 84.6%85.2% 85.9% Objective 4.2 The second-year retention rates of SU first-time, full-time African-American freshmen will increase from 79.1% in 2009 to 84.1% in 2014. Performance Measures2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedOutput2nd year first-time, full-time retention rate: African-American students587.2%79.1%82.6% 83.3%83.6% 84.0% Objective 4.3 The second-year retention rates of SU first-time, full-time minority freshmen will increase from 80.5% in 2009 to 84.6% in 2014. Performance Measures2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedOutput2nd year first-time, full-time retention rate: minority students584.0%80.5%81.6% 84.0%84.2% 84.4% Objective 4.4 The six-year graduation rates of SU first-time, full-time freshmen will increase from 75% in 2009 to 76.7% in 2014. Performance Measures2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedOutput6-year graduation rate of first-time, full-time freshmen: all students574.5%74.9%72.4% 76.7%76.8% 76.9% Objective 4.5 The six-year graduation rates of SU first-time, full-time African-American freshmen will increase from 64% in 2009 to 66% in 2014. Performance Measures2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedOutput6-year graduation rate of first-time, full-time freshmen: African-American students558.1%64.3%64.6% 60.0%62.0% 64.0 Objective 4.6 The six-year graduation rates of SU first-time, full-time minority freshmen will increase from 66% in 2009 to 69.3% in 2014. Performance Measures2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 EstimatedOutput6-year graduation rate of first-time, full-time freshmen: minority students561.9%65.7%67.7% 68.0%68.4% 68.9 Additional Indicators6 Performance Measures2000 Survey Actual2002 Survey Actual2005 Survey Actual2008 Survey Actual2011 Survey Actual2014 Survey Estimated OutcomeMedian salary of SU graduates $27,500 $32,014 $34,711 $39,814  $34,422 $37,980 Outcome Ratio of the median salary of SU graduates (one year after graduation) to the median salary of the civilian workforce w/bachelors degrees2 .73 .79 .82 .84 .72 .77 2008 Actual2009 Actual2010 Actual2011 Actual2012 Estimated2013 Estimated Input Number of applicants to the professional nursing program 157195224 236 248 260 Input Number of applicants accepted into the professional nursing program 889195 96 98 98 Input Number of applicants not accepted into the professional nursing program 69104129 140 150 162 Input Number of applicants enrolled in the professional nursing program 829195 96 98 982000 Survey Actual2002 Survey Actual2005 Survey Actual2008 Survey Actual2011 Survey Actual2014 Survey Estimated Outcome Estimated number of Nursing graduates employed in MD as nurses235345755 7174 Notes to MFR 1PRAXIS II test results are reported on a cohort basis. The test period for 2011 actually ran between 10/1/2009 and 9/30/2010. 2All data for this indicator are from the MHEC triennial Follow-up Survey of Graduates. The next MHEC survey will be conducted in fiscal year 2014. 3Actual 2011 data are from fall 2010. 4Percentages are based on headcounts as of fall census and NEW race/ethnicity codes starting in fall 2010. As of fall 2010 (FY11 data), minority undergraduate student counts also include students selecting two or more races. Actual data for 2011 reflects fall 2010 undergraduate enrollment. The following information is provided in response to the 2009 request of the Joint Chairs for additional information on minority student enrollment. SU minority student enrollment, broken down by minority group for the two most recent fiscal years, was as follows: African-American 11.9% in FY10 and 11.4% in FY11; Hispanic 2.7% in FY10 and 3.7% in FY11; Asian/Pacific Islander 2.7% in FY10; Asian 2.3% in FY11; Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander .08% in FY11; American Indian .7% in FY10; American Indian/Alaskan Native .4% in FY11; Two or more races n/a in FY10 and 1.7% in FY11. 5 Data provided by the MHEC. For second year retention rates, actual data for 2011 reports the number of students in the fall 2009 cohort who returned in fall 2010. For graduation rates, actual data for fall 2011 report the number of students in the fall 2004 cohort who graduated by spring 2010. 6 Additional Indicators are institutional measures that are important to external audiences. They are not included as part of Salisbury Universitys Managing For Results and are not driven by any institutional targets because of offsetting goals. They are included for informational purposes only.   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